发表于 2012-8-20 16:38:57
来自: 阿联酋
本帖最后由 alikov85 于 2012-8-20 16:42 编辑
jade_in_dubai 发表于 2012-8-20 15:57
看来得给帅哥提个醒:现在很多中国女生婚姻择偶标准是要有车,有房,有存款再谈其它。俺原来还觉得俄罗斯 ...
thank you ,
i want to say that if i don't have the resources to make good strong family financially and emotionally i well wait to become that person but now am ready with all may hard work i do have house and car etc one thing is missing and the most important in this life is partner to share all what you have with her not only mony am talking about feeling happiness sadness loneliness joyness etc |