折扣享受15%优惠 (酒水除外)
Enjoy discount 15% off ,Exclude the drinks
迪拜品粤阁中餐厅 如意金卡加盟商 优惠10%
Shabu Shabu restaurant , its new name is Pinyege , selling Guangdong cuisine and Sichuan
cuisine . Also you can enjoy BBQ and hot pot . The new top chief will cook the new dishes for you
品粤阁位于Rotana 酒店对面,从娜沙广场步行只需15分钟, 交通方便。这里下菜的海鲜都是从水里刚捞出的活物,所以保证了百分百的新鲜度。
Pinuege is located opposite Rotana hotel in Deira , 15 minutes walk away from baniyas square 。
迪拜品粤阁中餐厅 如意金卡加盟商 优惠10%
The first floor and second floor is hotpot restaurant . The third floor is for Guangdong cuisine restaurant .
迪拜品粤阁中餐厅 如意金卡加盟商 优惠10%
You can eat home-made fast food as well as the banquet