今天我们就来以学生们常写的记叙文为例,来进行讲解。记叙文在英文里我们可以叫做narrative writing.
A Place Nearby Lene Marlin - Playing My Game
今天我们选取的故事是小学生经常被要求写到的a happy story which happened recently.
Before you write your story, you should make a plan for your writing.
在下笔之前,你需要想一想初步的计划。开心的事情要写什么?事情发生的先后顺序是什么?这个时候我们需要用到基本的transitional words(连接词)----first/second/next/then/etc....
Part 1开头
万事开头难,写作文亦如此。出色的开头在全文中具有特殊的功效。开头定基调是一种能力,一种技巧,它来源于写作者对事物的深刻认识和对语言的高度概括能力。那么有哪些方法可以帮助学生完成一个完美的开头呢(为了吸引读者hook the reader)
There are four main ways to write an introduction: (四个常见的方式开头)
1.Sound : “Boom!” I heard a loud crash in my house. “轰”我听到了房子里一声剧烈的碰撞声。用声音来吸引读者是一个不错的选择。
2.Talking:”Go away!” I told my brother. “走开!”我对弟弟说道。
3.Question: Have you ever been to a water park? 你去过水上乐园吗?
例子:Have you ever feel so happy,you would cry? That’s how I felt last summer when my mom told me I could get a dog! I had wanted a dog for so long. I couldn’t believe I was finally going to get one!
4.Setting: where/when 背景描述
例子:One dark,stormy night last weekend, I was home alone.
Part 2主体段
The most important events in order. What important things happened?
Transitional words: tell order /connect ideas
比如:First then next after last finally eventually....
Descriptive words/sentences(for imaging your story)
First,my mum came to my room to talk to me. She told me since I had gotten good scores at school, I could get a dog! I was so excited, I jumped up in the air. Then, we got in the car to drive to the store in the car. I didn’t wait! I smiled the whole way there! When we pulled up,I saw that the store had a lots of dogs that need to be adopted. When we got to the store,I looked at all of the dogs. They were all so cute. All of the sudden,one came up and licked my foot! He was white and fluffy and so adorable. I decided he was the dog for me! Finally, we put him in the car to take him home. He was wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out. On our way home, we stopped to get some toys,food and a collar.
Part 3结尾段
Here are some ways to end your story(五个常见的结尾方式)
1.Rephrase your story 改写故事
Say it in a new way.
Opening: Have you ever been to the zoo? I had a blast at the zoo this weekend!
Closing: my trip to the zoo was so awesome! Don’t you want to visit the zoo now?
2.Feelings 描述感受
Get a new toy
Ending: I love my new toy so much! I can’t wait to play with it even more!
3.Lesson learned 获得的经验教训
Slip on ice
Ending: Next time it snows,I will definitely be on the lookout for slippery ice!
4.Hope 未来的期望
Go to the swimming pool.
Ending: I hope I can go back to the pool again before the weather gets cold!
5.Update 事件的进展
Sth happened ago
Endings: Now my baby is 2 years old. She gets cutter every day!
The day when I got a dog.
Ending: I couldn’t believe I had a dog of my own! I was so happy. Now I have my dog for 2 months and he is a really great pet. I think he is the best dog in the world.
Have you ever feel so happy,you would cry? That’s how I felt last summer when my mom told me I could get a dog! I had wanted a dog for so long. I couldn’t believe I was finally going to get one!
First,my sweet(add words) mum came to my room to talk to me. She told me since I had gotten good scores at school, I could get a dog! I was so excited, I jumped up super high(add words) in the air. “You are the best!” I screamed.(add details) Then, we got in the car to drive to the store in the car(remove). I didn’t wait! I smiled the whole way there! When we pulled up,I saw that the store had a lots of dogs that need to be adopted. The store was green.(remove) When we got to the store,I looked(changed the word to gazed) at all of the dogs. They were all so cute. All of the sudden,one come(change the word to came) up and licked my foot! He was white and fluffy and so adorable. I decided he was the dog for me! Finally, we put him in the car to take him home. He was wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out. On our way home, we stopped to get some toys,food and a collar.
I couldn’t believe I had a dog of my own! I was so happy. Now I have my dog for 2 months and he is a really great pet. I think he is the best dog in the world.
Add words, remove words,change words 添加词,删掉赘词,改词
Add adjectives,add adverbs,add details 添加形容词,副词或者细节
Spelling, punctuation,capitalization 检查拼写,标点符号以及大小写。