本帖最后由 珠双 于 2012-2-7 11:21 编辑
沙迦:一个已潜逃一年多的保姆上周在沙迦AL Heera 派出所附近,欲横穿马路时,被撞,后被送往医院,医院告知已死亡。,而且这名女性携带艾滋病毒,呈阳性。
Sharjah: A housemaid who had been absconding for more than a year died in hospital on Sunday after she was run over by a car in Sharjah on Wednesday. Al Qasimi Hospital sources said the woman, who died of injuries, was HIV positive.
The 31-year-old Nigerian expatriate, Oun Jaba Ulo Hor, had run away from her employer in 2010. She was run over by a vehicle while attempting to cross a road near Al Heera police station, Sharjah Police told Gulf News.
Passport found
Police said bystanders at the accident scene called emergency services for assistance and the woman was transported by ambulance to Al Qasimi Hospital. Her passport was found on her person, an official said, helping the authorities to confirm her identity.
The body has been sent to the hospital's morgue as preparations are on to transport her body to Nigeria.
The Nigerian Embassy is coordinating the repatriation of the body with the help of Sharjah authorities. |